mercredi 21 décembre 2011

December 7th to december 11th 2011

COMENIUS Programme from December 7th , 2011 to December, 11th 2011

dates visits, workshops
Wednesday, December 7th Arrival of our partners ( all day)
Dec. 6th
Turkey Dec 6 17.20 airport CDG 1 taxi
Spain Orly Dec. 6 CDG porte 32 T1
Dec. 7th
Slovenia 9.15 (airport CDG) 2G taxi
Portugal 10.10 Orly Compiègne gare à 13h19 (profs) Pascal S.
Bulgaria 11.40 CDG 2B taxi
Poland 13.00CDG 2B taxi
Sweden 17.05 airport CDG taxi
Pascal et Sylvie pour accompagner
pm Meeting(for early comers )/ Visit of the town center (quiz)
picking up time 4.00 pm - Lycée P d'A Catherine S. / Elke / S.Firon / Pascal . Galtier . /Pascal S/ Nathalie Caquant / Brigitte Aléman/ E. Montillet
VENIR CHERCHER LES ELEVES A 16H Lycée sauf Suédois à 18h 15
Thursday, December 8th 8. 30 Welcome breakfast together . Headmaster and other teachers, students
10.30 a.m. visit of the Palace of Compiègne in English , (visit of the town if feasible)( 2 groups 88€ ) Elke et Joséfa ?
12.00 a.m. lunch at school
1.30 - 5.00 p.m. Making the questionnaires Julie Galou software
Friday, December 9th 9.00 visit of a site where hives have been installed downtown
Reception at Compiegne's townhall by the deputy mayor
Conference by the deputy mayor on recycling
12.00 lunch at school
1.30 - 5.10 p.m. Planning of all our activities
Attending one or two classes for the kids
Repas profs , patinoire élèves
Saturday, December 10th Day in Paris ( coach and subway) Emporter PIQUE NIQUE ( packed lunch) Départ des Espagnols avec valises
10.00 Notre-Dame ( inside )
11.15 Eiffel Tower Bateaux Mouches,
walking to the Arch of Triumph
12.30 lunch
1.30 or 2.00 Going up the Arch of Triump
Concord see Le Louvre outside
subway to
3.30 Montmartre the Cathedral, walking around watching painters outside
5.00 Departure
6.30 - 7.00 arrival in Compiègne
Spain stays in Paris ESPAGNE RESTE A PARIS

Sunday, December 11th
Departures    9.00 Poland from the Lycée in Compiègne to CDG Première Classe Hotel
Spain Orly 7.40 departure on Saturday
Bulgaria 10:20 CDG 2F
Portugal 15.10 Orly
Sweden 16.05CDG
Turkey 19.55 CDG 1
Slovenia 20.05 CDG 2G
Poland Monday , Dec 12th 7.50 CDG

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