mercredi 21 décembre 2011

December 7th to December 11th report and photos

Wednesday, December 7th 2011 Arrival of our partners The students introduced themselves to each other and worked on the questionnaire on Carbon footprint

The adults talked about communication in the group and the programme for the next two days

 Thursday, December 8th 8. 30 Welcome breakfast together . The Headmaster ,teachers, students and  Philip Simmonds from the French European agency and Arielle François, the deputy Mayor welcomed all our European partners

 10.30 a.m. visit of the Palace of Compiègne in English for adults and students

12.00 a.m. lunch at school or in town 1.30 - 5.00 p.m. Making the questionnaires ; explaining the software Some teachers and their students chose to visit Compiegne , filling in the quiz All the teachers were invited at French teachers 'homes

Friday, December 9th 9.00 The Deputy Mayor of Compiegne , Arielle François welcomed our partners at Compiegne's townhall ( salle du Conseil) and introduced Compiegne's region recycling programme

12.00 lunch at school or downtown 1.30 - 5.10 p.m. The teachers planned all their coming activities

 The students attended 2 to 4 classes ( in English, French , Portuguese, Spanish, German and Japanese)
 In the evening the teachers were invited by Lycée Pierre d'Ailly at a famous restaurant for a typical French meal

Saturday, December 10th A day in Paris : The coach left Compiegne at 8.30 to Paris. We all visited Notre Dame de Paris
Then we had a one-hour trip in a bateau-mouche on the river Seine with audioguides in different languages.

Then we took a photo of the Eiffel Tower , went to the Champs Elysées , where we had lunch ( picnic lunches given by the families ) Then we all walked down the Champs Elysées to have a glimpse of the Louvre Museum

We rushed into the metro to go to Montmartre but unfortunately time flies and we did not have time to go up there .

Sunday Farewell Some teachers and students chose to leave the French families earlier in order to spend some more time in Paris in the morning before their departure.

Thank you to the parents who were so kind with our Europeans guests and to all the teachers and educational team.
Thank you for coming to us and sharing these unforgettable moments

December 7th to december 11th 2011

COMENIUS Programme from December 7th , 2011 to December, 11th 2011

dates visits, workshops
Wednesday, December 7th Arrival of our partners ( all day)
Dec. 6th
Turkey Dec 6 17.20 airport CDG 1 taxi
Spain Orly Dec. 6 CDG porte 32 T1
Dec. 7th
Slovenia 9.15 (airport CDG) 2G taxi
Portugal 10.10 Orly Compiègne gare à 13h19 (profs) Pascal S.
Bulgaria 11.40 CDG 2B taxi
Poland 13.00CDG 2B taxi
Sweden 17.05 airport CDG taxi
Pascal et Sylvie pour accompagner
pm Meeting(for early comers )/ Visit of the town center (quiz)
picking up time 4.00 pm - Lycée P d'A Catherine S. / Elke / S.Firon / Pascal . Galtier . /Pascal S/ Nathalie Caquant / Brigitte Aléman/ E. Montillet
VENIR CHERCHER LES ELEVES A 16H Lycée sauf Suédois à 18h 15
Thursday, December 8th 8. 30 Welcome breakfast together . Headmaster and other teachers, students
10.30 a.m. visit of the Palace of Compiègne in English , (visit of the town if feasible)( 2 groups 88€ ) Elke et Joséfa ?
12.00 a.m. lunch at school
1.30 - 5.00 p.m. Making the questionnaires Julie Galou software
Friday, December 9th 9.00 visit of a site where hives have been installed downtown
Reception at Compiegne's townhall by the deputy mayor
Conference by the deputy mayor on recycling
12.00 lunch at school
1.30 - 5.10 p.m. Planning of all our activities
Attending one or two classes for the kids
Repas profs , patinoire élèves
Saturday, December 10th Day in Paris ( coach and subway) Emporter PIQUE NIQUE ( packed lunch) Départ des Espagnols avec valises
10.00 Notre-Dame ( inside )
11.15 Eiffel Tower Bateaux Mouches,
walking to the Arch of Triumph
12.30 lunch
1.30 or 2.00 Going up the Arch of Triump
Concord see Le Louvre outside
subway to
3.30 Montmartre the Cathedral, walking around watching painters outside
5.00 Departure
6.30 - 7.00 arrival in Compiègne
Spain stays in Paris ESPAGNE RESTE A PARIS

Sunday, December 11th
Departures    9.00 Poland from the Lycée in Compiègne to CDG Première Classe Hotel
Spain Orly 7.40 departure on Saturday
Bulgaria 10:20 CDG 2F
Portugal 15.10 Orly
Sweden 16.05CDG
Turkey 19.55 CDG 1
Slovenia 20.05 CDG 2G
Poland Monday , Dec 12th 7.50 CDG

samedi 26 novembre 2011

Bienvenue à nos partenaires européens / Welcome to our European partners

Le lycée Pierre d'Ailly accueille nos 7 partenaires européens du 7 décembre au 11 décembre 2011
N'hésitez pas à faire leur connaissance

Our seven European partners are coming to our school from December 7th to December 11th 2011
Feel free to meet them and ask questions about their countries

mardi 4 octobre 2011

Comenius Pierre d'Ailly 2 au 30 septembre 2011

COMENIUS 2011-13   
Lycée Pierre d'Ailly Compiègne
How to reduce our carbon footprint
8 partners Bulgaria, France, Poland , Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey 

                                    ( rédaction Mme Corée , editor )
2 septembre 2011 Prérentrée Annonce du partenariat , diffusion d'un mail collectif par l'intermédiaire de Mme Firon , proviseur adjoint

September 2, 2011
Meeting with all the school staff and announcement of the Comenius Parnership , mailing to all the staff with the help of  Mrs Firon , the deputy headmaster
15 septembre 2011 Réunion d'information pour les élèves et tous les personnels interessés ( présence du personnel de l'Intendance)
September 15, 2011 Information meeting for the students and teachers who intend to take part in the project ( school managing staff was attending)

26 septembre2011 Inauguration du partenariat Comenius en présence de la presse (Oisehebdo, Courrier Picard

September 26, 2011 Official opening of the Comenius Project (local newspapaers were invited )

                                                                                    Courrier Picard 1 octobre 2011  (October 1, 2011)

Oisehebdo 28septembre 2011                 
26 septembre- 1 octobre Exposition de panneaux des élèves ( 2nde1, collaboration avec Mme Chartoire , professeur de SES , vidéo en CDI avec hymnes nationaux des huit pays partenaires et chansons populaires dans ces 8 pays , installation des 8 drapeaux des pays partenaires et drapeau de l'Europe, confection en arts visuels avec l'aide de Mme Blasco d'objets décoratifs et utiles recyclés)

September 26, 2011 Official opening of the Comenius Project (local newspapaers were invited )
September 26 - October 1 Exhibition of posters giving information on the different partners ' countries and hometowns .
Hanging the 8 Flags of the countries , plus European flag
Watching a video with national anthems and popular songs at the library
Exhibition of recycled objects created by the students in their art classes

2nde1 panneaux informatifs sur les pays   (posters giving information on the 8 partners  Bulgaria, France, Poland , Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey)
P9262733.JPG PA032769.JPG
robes "seconde vie" créées par les élèves de Mme Blasco dresses created by students in their art classes

                      objets décoratifs et utiles  ( small useful and ornamental objects )

P9282754.JPGporte-revue "conserves"
tins magazine  rack                                                      table "coca" "coke" table et lampe -ampoules  "bulb lamp"

à gauche porte-manteaux   coat rack
Prêt d'objets "seconde vie" de l'UTC Anna Huot et Sophie Hameau . Collaboration de Mme Fernandes, professeur de Portugais
 These objects objects were loaned by Anna Huot et Sophie Hameau , two students at the University of Technology of Compiegne 

MEETING with the parents and kids who wish to host European partners from December 7th to December 11th 2011