dimanche 20 mai 2012

Gorzyce, Poland Compte-Rendu

GORZYCE POLAND February , 2012

D.Burian E.Queval A.Boukraa J.Dewasch S.Firon V.Daveaux

February, 1st 2012 (written by Valentin Daveaux)

We went to the airport « Charles de Gaulle » at 8 o’clock

After a 2 hours flight we arrived in Cracow, the temperature was very cold, it was amazing. We took a bus with Polish and Bulgarian students. After three long hours of bus, we arrived in the high school of Gorzyce . We spoke with our penpals and after that, the head of the high school introduced his school and we ate some speciality of Poland, (bread with cheese) and we drank hot drinks.
Nos correspondants nous ont offerts des spécialités polonaises ( pain et fromage) et des boissons chaudes à notre arrivée .

After that we did Origamis, it was very interesting but it was very difficult
Nous avons réalisé des origamis , c'était intéressant , mais difficile !
After this workshop we went home to speak with our host families. After that the Polish students had to prepare a welcome dinner.
February 2nd Evan's story will soon be finished !

February 3rd 2012 (written by Damien Burien)

Two days after our arrival in Poland, Polish teachers and students had prepared a special day for us. Friday morning was for me the most significant part of our travel with Comenius.

Firstly, after our coming at the school at the beginning of the day, every country was represented with flags and national anthems. At that moment when the Marseillaise was broadcast all around the gymnasium where we were, we felt a sort of pride of being French, and it was the same for the other countries I think… After this short “introduction”, Polish pupils presented us different types of recyled clothes, for example a dress composed of recycled paper. It was really interesting to see how we can make clothes with “nothing”, and this is good for our planet!
Une journée spéciale et émouvante, avec des défilés d'élèves portant des vêtements recyclés  , nos hymnes nationaux

Secondly, we went to a Polish lesson, in a mathematics lesson in fact. The teacher informed us about how the students were marked and it is really different from what is done in France... For example, in Poland, students are marked from 1 to 5 (1 is the worst mark, 5 is the best).
Nous avons assité à un cours de mathémathiques en polonais et appris quelques mots. la notation des devoirs va de 1 à 5.
And at the end of the morning, we learned a typical Polish dance, in group, and French guys were the best at this exercise as well! I think that this morning was a cultural time, we learned a lot about Polish traditions, I really liked this day for this special morning which was for me a real success.
Nous avons dansé des danses polonaises en costumes

During the afternoon, we stayed at home with our hosts. But later, at about six o’clock, we went to a concert with the Polish host families. There, we ate typical Polish food and we took a ride in a sleigh. It was very cold outside but it was interesting even if going to the concert was our first objective… This day was special, because it was the last day with our Polish friends, and sadness followed the feeling of happiness to be there, with them. All the French students will keep a good memory of this exchange, which was as interesting as amazing.

Our teachers attended work sessions.
Pendant ce temps nos professeurs travaillaient
February 4 th in Poland with Comenius (written by Anthony Boukraa)

In the morning we had a visit to a salt mine in the program, so we left from the school to the mine with the bus. We spent all the morning in the mine, it was the first time that I had been to this kind of place, it was a really new experience for me. We had a guide to show us the mine, a woman, who answered nicely to our questions. The mine was a really beautiful place, of course it's only under the ground but it's impossible to imagine the things that we can see inside when we enter for the first time. The Poles who built the mine (many years ago) were very strong and inventive: the mine isn't a dirty mine, just with corridors.No, this mine is wonderful, with chapels, statues, reproductions of scenes from the life in a mine, reproductions of a ballroom (all these things have been cut directly in the stones of the mine). Then we went to a restaurant for lunch.

Nous avons visité une mine de sel retraçant l'exploitation du sel

It was in a restaurant, a little pretty restaurant in fact. We ate a traditionnal meal: a pea soup. After the pea soup they gave us a piece of fried chicken and some potatoes. They brought us coffee and tea to finish the lunch. After this lunch we went to Krakow university to listen to a conference from two students of the university about the environment and ecology.

The Conference at The University

So we went to the university (I must precise that the university was really beautiful and more modern than French universities). In this place, two students made us a conference about ecology, they told us about the issues of the humans to take care of the Earth, to preserve it. They also did a kind of little game , it was really cool. After this conference we went downtown Krakow beacause a guide was waiting to show us the town.
Nous avons assisté à une conférence sur l'environnement à l'université de Cracovie

Our Visit Downtown

The guide explained some things about this town, about the traditions and the culture of Krakow. She showed us a castle (she explained us a little part of the history of this castle) and after she took us for a walk in the little streets downtown.So during the walk she showed us a lot of statues, explained us the different architectural styles of the town, showed us the churches, etc...And we arrived at the restaurant.
Nous avons eu une visite guidée de Cracovie et de ses petites rues
The Dinner

The restaurant was in a kind of cellar, it was really pretty. In this restaurant we ate a traditionnal polish meal which is named :”Pierogi”. This meal is composed of two kinds of stuffed pasta: one with spicy meat and the other with a mix of cheese and potatoe (this meal was really tasty). But we had to eat quickly beacause we were late for the bus: the bus was waiting for us to bring us back to the hotel because the foreign students came back to their countries the next day.

The Hotel

It was a little hotel near from the airport and we didn't do a lot of things in there , beacause we were tired and the next day we had to get up at 4.00 am to go to the airport to take the aircraft to go back Paris.

My Impressions About This Experience (Anthony Boukhra)

Just one word in fact: magic. It was a wonderful and a single experience, we met a lot of incredible people, a lot of generous people. Seriously I will never forget this travel, and I recommend it to everybody who has the possibility to participate to a Comenius Project. It brings us another way of thinking, really. We discover cultures and ways of life that we had never imagined before. The only negative point is: when it is time to leave it is too much painful because of the magic of the days spent there .

Nous avons découvert une autre culture et je recommande cette expérience unique et magique

Thanks a lot to all the Polish students especially our correspondents for welcoming us.

Thanks a lot to Mrs Coree for initiating Comenius.

Thanks a lot to the two professors M.Dewasch and Mme. Firon.

Thank you very much Renata for the program in Gorzyce.