samedi 13 avril 2013

DEPLACEMENT EN BULGARIE March 24th to March 29th

    Monday March 25th 2013 The first day our Bulgarian friends welcomed us according to old Bulgarian traditions (with salt, bread and geranium).
    Arrivée au Lycée de Vratsa
  • cérémonie d'accueil ( pain, sel et branche de géranium)

After that we saw traditional Bulgarian dances called "Rachenitsa", a small exhibition which represents the history of their school from the years of its creation to nowadays and some products made from recycled materials.
  • Cours de Danses traditionnelles

Then we all went to the conference room where the head master said some words and then they showed us a nice short video about Bulgarian history, culture and beauty. Then we had a short break after which we went to the Hemus hotel, where we had lunch.

Présentation du Lycée par M. le Proviseur et vidéeo sur l'histoire de la Bulgarie . Repas traditionnel délicieux !
  • After that we toured two museums in Vratsa, one about Bulgarian traditions , archeology in the city and another one about a famous man in Vratsa , Mumo OrozoB who invented carts
    Visite des musées de la ville
    Chloe Le Doaré

On Tuesday , March 26th we left Vratsa for the town of Veliko Tarnoko. After 3 hours on the bus, we went sightseeing.
Excursion à Veliko Tarnovo , ancienne capitale
 la forteresse , Axelle , Julie , Alexia et Chloé
We first visited the Tsarevets fortress with a guide who narrated us the story of the fortress. It was a beautiful huge place. At the top of it, we could visit a kind of church/museum.
After, we visited another museum, about the Renaissance, but it was less interesting – to me.
Parlement où fut signé la première constitution
Then we ate at the restaurant, it was delicious, and to finish we had 1 hour of free time.
 Julie Perciaux
We walked through the town, my pen friend telling me all I wanted to know about buildings or statues, very interesting.
Visite libre dans la ville avec les correspondants
I really enjoyed my trip in Bulgaria, I made friends with a lot of guys, particularly the Bulgarian boys, even with some who weren’t part of the Comenius project. My pen friend’s family was great and very, very hearty. I hope I’ll see them again in the future.
Voyage formidable, accueil très chaleureux .
Wednesday March 27th
At 9.00 am we visited Vratsa Natural Research Center and we were told about the second largest natural park in Bulgaria, its fauna and flora.
Visite du centre de recherche de la Nature à Vratsa , explication sur le recyclage et les opérations collectives de nettoyage des forêts
 I was impressed by the beauty of their nature the incredible variety of the different species of birds, the caves. The guide said that they intended to maintain the diversity of the place and they wanted to build some more infrastructure so as to develop green tourism, respectful of nature and educate people in the area. A program is being develop to help people recycle more ( 12 tons of rubbish have been collected so far)
Then we went back to school and we attended a ceremony to receive our certificate of participation to the Comenius project in Bulgaria. Then we were explained some of the courses followed at the school such as computer science. What stuck me was that they could practise sport, body building , make models or origamis in their free time.
We also attended an English lesson. I was amazed to see that there was a camera at the back of the classroom to spy on the students. The headmaster can see everything that takes place in his school Then we attended a mechanic class
Then after lunch we learned that the visit to Lednika caves had to be cancelled because of the snow. It would have been too dangerous to drive in the mountain. We enjoyed our last hours with our Bulgarian host family and new friends
Remise des certificats Comenius par M. Le Proviseur , Cours d'anglais , de mécanique
Trop de neige pour effectuer notre visite dans des grottes en montagne.
.Alexia Ruillet

Thursday, March, 28th
Départ pour Sofia, adieux déchirants ...dernier jour
We had to get up early to leave Vratsa and go to Sofia. It was time to say good-bye to our Bulgarians friends, which was difficult and heart-breaking. It was a 2 hours'drive .
Visite guidée ( le Théatre National, église romane St Georges de Sofia , la cathédrale Alexander Nevski ) et il fait toujours très froid

We met a guide in Sofia who took us on a walking tour. It was freezing but we saw lots of places such as Sofia's National Theatre and churches. We understood that Sofia was heavily bombed during WW2 .

We had a meal at a typical Bulgarian restaurant. We left the group in the afternoon to visit a modern art gallery , an old covered market and the former Cum , a typical covered market during the communist era which has been transformed into a very modern shopping mall.
Visite libre dans la ville, les anciennes halles , galerie d'art moderne

Then it was the hotel for our last night in Bulgaria !

We had a warm welcome and we got on so well with the Bulgarians !

Roman Church of St George

National theatre

Alexander Nevski Cathedral

Axelle Herbette

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