lundi 22 avril 2013

Results of the 2 surveys on carbon footprint

Here are the analyses of the 2 surveys made in January 2012 and January 2013.
Thank you for answering the questions and asking your friends and family to answer these questions as well



Aim : When our 8 Comenius partners decided to do a survey about the attitudes of children in each school and their parents as far as recycling and green behaviour were concerned , we intended to compare these behaviours at the beginning of our project in December 2011 and near the end of our project in January 2013. We hoped that our actions would help our students and their parents become aware of the importance of preserving our environment tanks to very simple actions.

Protocol We asked 40 simple questions to the same persons in December 2011 and January 2013. Our 8 partners had agreed on the appropriate questions that could apply in our 8 countries.

We chose a sample of 100 people in each country. This number varied in January 2013 because some of our students had left the school and could not be reached.

The results for the 2011 and the 2013 surveys are given in percentage.

Results We decided not to compare our countries with one another as a lot of factors interact in each country that individuals cannot control ( for example are there enough national or regional incentives in each country to encourage / favour recycling and alternative energies? )

We decided to analyse the data for each country and to see which country improved a lot .

We must say that we did not intend to make a competition between countries but to educate our students in each country as much as we could.

improved their behaviour :
- more people know what carbon footprint is from 53 % up to 70%.
- almost everyone recycles paper ( except for 3 %)
- more people empty paper recycling bins at school ( 29% up to 71%)
- many more people recycle paper at school ( from 37 up to 94%)
- almost everyone recycles glass , from 74% up to 99%
- almost everyone recycles plastic from 73% to 99%
- more people have a garden and a place to compost
- 20% more people recycle batteries , mainly in shops
- more people always recycle ink cartridges
-saving electricity : more people turn off their appliances ( from 14% up to 39% ) or turn off the lights when they leave a room ( 47 to 70%)
- the temperature in houses is 19° but they use gas rather than electricity
- saving water : more people turn off the tap when they wash their teeth or wash their hair
- the number of people having a shower doubled ( 47% to 87%)
- fewer people have a bath
- fewer people eat meat
- as more pupils live closer to school ( 36% to 47% ) they walk more or take public transport
- many more people use their own bags to go shopping
did no better : - they have the same number of cars
- as many people "do it yourself "
- as many people use public transport to go on small errands

did worse : - more people take their cars to go on small errands
Recycling paper was one of the main action at school and it did work !
The city also encourages people to recycle , having massive advertising campaigns , which explains why people are aware of the benefits of recycling

All in all we can say that improving one's behaviour and changing one's habits take a long time , but we know that our actions and our schools will go on after the end of our Comenius project. We are proud of our students who did their best to take part in this new way of being citizens of the world respectful of their environment.
We can notice it is easier to recycle when students and the population are given the means to recycle , such as bins or efficient collections of the goods that can be recycled.
To conclude even if the results may not be as good as we expected them to be , we can say that we also are confident in the snowball effect of our survey, as people talked to each other about recycling and new ways of consuming or reducing their consumption.
Ces deux enquêtes réalisées sur des échantillons de 100 personnes à un an d'intervalle ( janv.2012 et janv. 2013) montrent des comportements plus citoyens, conscients de l'enjeu environnemental. Les personnes interrogées ont recyclé davantage , ont essayé de marcher ou de prendre les transports en commun ou leur vélo à la place d'une voiture lorsque c'était possible, mais il reste des progrès à effectuer ...
Le recyclage du papier a beaucoup progressé au Lycée Pierre d'Ailly, les élèves utilisent les bacs bleus et se servent des brouillons mis à leur disposition.
A la maison on essaie d'économiser l'électricité et l'eau.
Brava à tous !

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